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Monday, June 17, 2013

Nitro PDF Professional (x86 x64)

Nitro PDF Professional (x86 x64) - incl. keygenFree Download Nitro PDF Professional (x86 x64) - incl. keygen. Sahabat [civiliana], setelah sebelumnya kami sempat memposting Nitro PDF Professional (x86/x64) kini kami akan sharing Nitro PDF Professional (x86 x64) - incl. keygen. Sesuai dengan namanya, tentunya sahabat [civiliana] sudah tahu kegunaan dari software ini. Selain ukuran installernya yang lumayan kecil (dibandingkan dengan kegunaannya), dari pengalaman kami menggunakan software ini selama beberapa tahun bahwa software ini sangat powerfull. Untuk urusan edit-mengedit atau konvert-mengkonvert, software ini kinerjanya sangat baik.
Mungkin juga sahabat [civiliana] punya pengalaman dalam menggunakan software ini, silahkan di-share. :D
Screenshoot :
Nitro PDF Professional (x86 x64) - incl. keygen
  • Desktops: Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7, Windows® 8;
  • Servers: Windows® Server 2003, Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2008 R2 (Terminal Server and Citrix XenApp/Access Essentials configurations supported.)For more on server-side deployment, check out the Citrix and Terminal Server software page;
  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor;
  • RAM: 512 MB system memory (1 GB recommended);
  • Display: 1024x768 screen resolution;
  • Hard disk space: 300 MB of available hard disk space;
  • Microsoft Office 2003 or newer (required for Microsoft Office integrated features).
Note : Compatible with Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.
* Testing by [civiliana] with Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit.

Official Site :

Monday, June 10, 2013

Maplesoft Maple.16.00 (x86 x64)

Maplesoft Maple.16.00 (x86 & x64) incl. patchFree Download Maplesoft Maple.16.00 (x86 & x64) incl. patch. Sahabat [civiliana], software yang kami posting kali ini Maplesoft Maple 16 mungkin bisa dibilang software yang sudah agak jadul, karena saat ini Maplesoft sudah merilis Maple versi 17. Namun mengingat fungsi dan kegunaannya, kami putuskan tetap memposting Maple 16 ini. Karena saat ini masih banyak sahabat [civiliana] yang tetap meminta software Maple 16 ini... Untuk feature-featurenya, kalau ingin tahu sahabat [civiliana] lihat saja langsung di situs resminya, ya... :D
O iya sahabat [civiliana] sekedar informasi, bahwa pada waktu lalu kami juga sempat memposting Maplesoft Maple 15 - full crack.
Selanjutnya untuk persyaratan sistem yang dibutuhkan oleh Maple 16 ini, silahkan dilihat pada keterangan dibawah.
Screenshoot :
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
  • Processor:
    Pentium III ; 1 GHz Processor or higher;
  • Memory:
    Memory 2 GB of RAM (recommended);
  • Hard disk:
    2 GB Harddisk Space;
  • Operating system:
    Windows XP, Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8;
  • Graphics:
    16-bit color at 1024 by 768 (or greater) resolution recommended;
  • Other:
    Java Runtime Environments 1.6.0 or Higher Installed.
Note : Compatible with Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.
* Testing by [civiliana] with Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit.

Official Site :

Friday, June 7, 2013

ebook - Perencanaan Struktur Baja Dengan Metode LRFD (Berdasarkan SNI 03-1729-2002)

Perencanaan Struktur Baja Dengan Metode LRFD (Berdasarkan SNI 03-1729-2002) | Agus Setiawan | Penerbit Erlangga | 2008 | Bahasa Indonesia | 340 p | pdf | 19.7 MB | ISBN: 978-979-033-478-6 | Dalam buku ini, dibahasa mengenai konsep dasar LRFD, pengenalan material baja, batang tarik dan tekan, sambungan (baut dan las), komponen struktur balok-kolom, komponen struktur komposit serta jenis-jenis sambungan pada konstruksi bangunan baja.
ebook - Perencanaan Struktur Baja Dengan Metode LRFD (Berdasarkan SNI 03-1729-2002)
Judul Buku
Perencanaan Struktur Baja Dengan Metode LRFD (Berdasarkan SNI 03-1729-2002)
Agus Setiawan
Penerbit Erlangga
Bahasa Indonesia
340 hal
Format File
Ukuran File
19.7 MB
Metode ASD (Allowable Stress Design) dalam struktur baja telah cukup lama digunakan, namun beberapa tahun terakhir metode desain dalam struktur baja mulai beralih ke metode lain yang lebih rasional, yakni metode LRFD (Load Resistance and Factor Design). Metode ini didasarkan pada ilmu probabilitas, sehingga dapat mengantisipasi segala ketidakpastian dari material maupun beban. Oleh karena itu, metode LRFD ini dianggap cukup andal. Peraturan Perencanaan Bangunan Baja Indonesia (PPBBI 1987) telah diganti dengan Tata Cara Perencanaan Struktur Baja untuk Bangunan Gedung, SNI 03-1729-2002 yang berbasis pada metode LRFD.
Buku ini mencoba memberikan penjelasan mengenai perencanaan struktur baja dengan menggunakan konsep LRFD tersebut. Dalam perencanaan struktur baja metode LRFD yang digunakan dalam buku ini, semuanya berpedoman pada SNI 03-1729-2002 yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya.
Dalam buku ini, dibahasa mengenai konsep dasar LRFD, pengenalan material baja, batang tarik dan tekan, sambungan (baut dan las), komponen struktur balok-kolom, komponen struktur komposit serta jenis-jenis sambungan pada konstruksi bangunan baja.
Selain dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa Teknik Sipil, buku ini juga dapat dijadikan pedoman perencanaan bagi konsultan maupun praktisi yng berkecimpung di dunia struktur baja.


Daftar Isi


1.1.   Perencanaan Struktur

1.2.   Beban

1.3.   Konsep Dasar LRFD

1.4.   Peluang Kegagalan

1.5.   Indeks Keandalan

1.6.   Desain LRFD Struktur Baja


2.1    Sejarah Penggunaan Material Baja

2.2    Material Baja

2.3    Sifat-sifat Mekanik Baja

2.4    Keuletan Baja

2.5    Tegangan Multiaksial

2.6    Perilaku Baja pada Temperatur Tinggi

2.7    Pengerjaan Dingin dan Penguatan Regangan

2.8    Keruntuhan Getas

2.9    Sobekan Lamelar

2.10  Keruntuhan Leleh


3.1    Pendahuluan

3.2    Tahanan Nominal

3.3    Luas Netto

3.4    Efek Lubang Berselang-Seling pada Luas Netto

3.5    Luas Netto Efektif

3.6    Geser Blok (Block Shear)

3.7    Kelangsingan Struktur Tarik

3.8    Transfer Gaya Pada Sambungan


4.1   Pendahuluan

4.2   Teknik Elastik Euler

4.3   Kekuatan Kolom

4.4   Pengaruh Tegangan Sisa

4.5   Kurva Kekuatan Kolom Akibat Tegangan Sisa

4.6   Tahanan Tekan Nominal

4.7   Panjang Tekuk

4.8   Masalah Tekuk Lokal

4.9   Komponen Struktur Tekan Tersusun

4.10 Tekuk Torsi dan Tekuk Lentur Torsi


5.1   Pendahuluan

5.2   Lentur Sederhana Profil Simetris

5.3   Perilaku Balok Terkekang Lateral

5.4   Desain Balok Terkekang Lateral

5.5   Lendutan Balok

5.6   Geser pada Penampang Gilas

5.7   Beban Terpusat Pada Balok

5.8   Teori Umum Lentur


6.1   Pendahuluan

6.2   Tahanan Nominal Baut

6.3   Geser Eksentris

6.4   Kombinasi Geser dan Tarik

6.5   Sambungan yang Mengalami Beban Tarik Aksial

6.6   Geser dan Tarik Akibat Beban Eksentris


7.1   Pendahuluan

7.2   Jenis-jenis Sambungan

7.3   Jenis-jenis Las

7.4   Pembatasan Ukuran Sudut Las

7.5   Luas Efektif Las

7.6   Tahanan Nominal Sambungan Las

7.7   Geser Eksentris-Metode Elastik

7.8   Geser Eksentris-Metode Plastis

7.9   Beban Eksentris Normal pada Bidang Las


8.1   Pendahuluan

8.2   Torsi Murni pada Penampang Homogen

8.3   Pusat Geser (Shear Center )

8.4   Tegangan Puntir Pada Profil I

8.5   Analogi Torsi dengan Lentur


9.1   Pendahuluan

9.2   Perilaku Balok I Akibat Beban Momen Seragam

9.3   Tekuk Torsi Lateral Elastis

9.4   Tekuk Torsi Inelastis

9.5   Desain LRFD Balok I

9.6   Lentur Dua Arah


10.1   Pendahuluan

10.2   Persyaratan Balok Pelat Berdinding Penuh

10.3   Kuat Momen Nominal Balok Pelat Berdinding Penuh

10.4   Kuat Geser Nominal

10.5   Kuat Geser Nominal dengan Pengaruh Aksi Medan Tarik

10.6   Interaksi Geser dan Lentur

10.7   Pengaku Vertikal

10.8   Pengaku Penahan Gaya Tumpu

10.9   Desain Balok Pelat Berdinding Penuh


11.1   Pendahuluan

11.2   Persamaan Differensial untuk Kombinasi Gaya Aksial dan Lentur

11.3   Faktor Perbesaran Momen

11.4   Desain LRFD Komponen Struktur Balok-Kolom

11.5   Perbesaran Momen untuk Struktur Tak Bergoyang

11.6   Perbesaran Momen untuk Struktur Bergoyang

11.7   Tekuk Lokal Web pada Komponen Struktur Balok-Kolom


12.1   Struktur Komposit

12.2   Tegangan Elastis dalam Balok Komposit

12.3   Lebar Efektif Balok Komposit

12.4   Sistem Pelaksanaan Komponen Struktur Komposit

12.5   Kuat Lentur Nominal

12.6   Penghubung Geser

12.7   Balok Komposit pada Daerah Momen Negatif

12.8   Lendutan

12.9   Dek Baja Gelombang

12.10 Kolom Komposit


13.1   Sambungan Balok Induk dengan Balok Anak

13.2   Sambungan Balok-Kolom

13.3   Sambungan Balok-Kolom Diperkaku

13.4   Sambungan Penahan Momen

13.5   Sambungan Balok-Kolom dengan Pengaku





Monday, June 3, 2013

Microsoft Visio Professional 2013

Microsoft Visio Professional 2013Free Download Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 - Full [ 32-bit & 64-bit Inc. Act. Gen. ]. Sahabat [civiliana], Berbeda dengan postingan kami pada Microsoft Ofice 2010, dimana pada paket Office 2010 waktu itu sudah terbundel bersama dengan Microsoft Visio dan Microsoft Project 2010. Dan untuk paket Office 2013, dibundel secara terpisah, yaitu Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 dan Microsoft Visio Professional 2013. Untuk Activation Generator (pico4), karena ukuran filenya yang kecil maka kami bundel bersama-sama dengan installer. Juga agan, bisa mendownload Activation Generator ini, secara terpisah. Cara melakukan aktivasi untuk Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 ini, sangat mudah. Setelah agan install Visio 2013, agan cukup menginstall software aktivation generator-nya (KMSpico_Install_v4.exe). Setelah itu, restart komputer.. :D
Screenshoot :
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013
Hardware and software requirements
  • Processor:
    1 Ghz or greater x86/x64 Processor with SSE2 instruction set;
  • Memory:
    1 GB RAM (32 Bit) / 2 GB RAM (64 Bit);
  • Hard disk:
    2.0 GB available;
  • Operating system:
    Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008R2 or Windows Server 2012 with .Net 3.5 or greater;
  • Graphics:
    Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX10 graphics card 1024x576 minimum resolution;
  • Other:
    Microsoft Office 365 account and tenant required for Visio Pro for Office 365 Preview Touch features require a touch enabled Windows 7 or Windows 8 PC Certain functionality requires internet connectivity.
Other requirements
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 or later, Microsoft SharePoint Online or Microsoft SkyDrive required for coauthoring.
  • SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint Online or SharePoint Server 2013 required for viewing Visio Services diagrams through a web browser. Compatible Browsers are IE 8,9,10, Firefox 10.x+,Safari 5 (Mac), Chrome 17.x.
  • SharePoint Designer 2013 will improve workflow creation and publishing if installed on the same PC as Visio 2013 Professional.
  • SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Online required to view new file format diagrams through a web browser.
  • Lync required for presence notification.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

ebook - Dictionary of Mathematics Terms (Third Edition)

Dictionary of Mathematics Terms (Third Edition) | Douglas Downing, Ph.D. | Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. | 2009 | English | 410 p | pdf | 12 MB | ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-4139-3 | Mathematics consists of rigorous abstract reasoning. At first, it can be intimidating; but learning about math can help you appreciate its great practical usefulness and even its beauty—both for the visual appeal of geometric forms and the concise elegance of symbolic formulas expressing complicated ideas.
ebook - Dictionary of Mathematics Terms (Third Edition)
Book Title
Dictionary of Mathematics Terms (Third Edition)
Douglas Downing, Ph.D.
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.
410 p
File Format
File Size
12 MB
Mathematics consists of rigorous abstract reasoning. At first, it can be intimidating; but learning about math can help you appreciate its great practical usefulness and even its beauty—both for the visual appeal of geometric forms and the concise elegance of symbolic formulas expressing complicated ideas.
Imagine that you are to build a bridge, or a radio, or a bookcase. In each case you should plan first, before beginning to build. In the process of planning you will develop an abstract model of the finished object—and when you do that, you are doing mathematics.
The purpose of this book is to collect in one place reference information that is valuable for students of mathematics and for persons with careers that use math. The book covers mathematics that is studied in high school and the early years of college. These are some of the general subjects that are included (along with a list of a few entries containing information that could help you get started on that subject):
Arithmetic: the properties of numbers and the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. (See also number, exponent, and logarithm.)
Algebra: the first step to abstract symbolic reasoning. In algebra we study operations on symbols (usually letters) that stand for numbers. This makes it possible to develop many general results. It also saves work because it is possible to derive symbolic formulas that will work for whatever numbers you put in; this saves you from having to derive the solution again each time you change the numbers. (See also equation, binomial theorem, quadratic equation, polynomial, and complex number.)
Geometry: the study of shapes. Geometry has great visual appeal, and it is also important because it is an example of a rigorous logical system where theorems are proved on the basis of postulates and previously proved theorems. (See also pi, triangle, polygon, and polyhedron.)
Analytic Geometry: where algebra and geometry come together as algebraic formulas are used to describe geometric shapes. (See also conic sections.)
Trigonometry: the study of triangles, but also much more. Trigonometry focuses on six functions defined in terms of the sides of right angles (sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent) but then it takes many surprising turns. For example, oscillating phenomena such as pendulums, springs, water waves, light waves, sound waves, and electronic circuits can all be described in terms of trigonometric functions. If you program a computer to picture an object on the screen, and you wish to rotate it to view it from a different angle, you will use trigonometry to calculate the rotated position. (See also angle, rotation, and spherical trigonometry.)
Calculus: the study of rates of change, and much more. Begin by asking these questions: how much does one value change when another value changes? How fast does an object move? How steep is a slope? These problems can be solved by calculating the derivative, which also allows you to answer the question: what is the highest or lowest value? Reverse this process to calculate an integral, and something amazing happens: integrals can also be used to calculate areas, volumes, arc lengths, and other quantities. A first course in calculus typically covers the calculus of one variable; this book also includes some topics in multi-variable calculus, such as partial derivatives and double integrals. (See also differential equation.)
Probability and Statistics: the study of chance phenomena, and how that study can be applied to the analysis of data. (See also hypothesis testing and regression.)
Logic: the study of reasoning. (See also Boolean algebra.)
Matrices and vectors: See vector to learn about quantities that have both magnitude and direction; see matrix to learn how a table of numbers can be used to find the solution to an equation system with many variables.
A few advanced topics are briefly mentioned because you might run into certain words and wonder what they mean, such as calculus of variations, tensor, and Maxwell’s equations.
In addition, several mathematicians who have made major contributons throughout history are included.
The Appendix includes some formulas from algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, as well as a table of integrals.
Demonstrations of important theorems, such as the Pythagorean theorem and the quadratic formula, are included. Many entries contain cross references indicating where to find background information or further applications of the topic. A list of symbols at the beginning of the book helps the reader identify unfamiliar symbols.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013Free Download Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 - Full [ 32-bit & 64-bit Inc. Act. Gen. ]. Agan-agan yang masih penasaran dan ingin menjajal kemampuan Microsoft Office 2013, maka kali ini kami hadirkan Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013. Agar Office 2013 agan menjadi Full version, maka kami juga menyediakan Activation Generator, yang di bundel terpisah. Maklum gan, file-nya besar. Jadi biar gak repot, maka untuk activation-nya kami bundel terpisah. hehehehehe...
Ada banyak sekali kasus, dimana terjadi kegagalan dalam melakukan aktivasi. Untuk itu, sekedar mengingatkan kepada agan, karena cara melakukan aktivasi kali ini terbilang agak ribet, maka sebelum agan melakukan aktivasi, supaya dibaca baik-baik petunjuk aktivasinya. Serta lakukan aktivasi sesuai dengan petunjuk dokter, eh... salah... Maksudnya sesuai dengan petunjuk yang terlampir, langkah demi langkah. hehehehehe....
Supaya aktivasi agan bisa sukses, maka dibutuhkan 'kesabaran' serta 'ketelitian'...
Nah, itulah kira-kira sedikit tips dari tim [civiliana] kali ini....
Screenshoot :
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013
System Requirements
For Office Professional 2013
  • Required Processor:
    1 gigahertz (Ghz) or faster x86- or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set ;
  • Required Operating System:
    Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012 ;
  • Required Memory:
    1 GB RAM (32 bit); 2 GB RAM (64 bit);
  • Required Hard Disk Space:
    3.0 GB available ;
  • Required Display:
    Graphics hardware acceleration requires a DirectX10 graphics card and 1024 x 576 resolution ;
  • .NET version:
    3.5, 4.0, or 4.5 ;
  • Additional requirements and considerations:
    Some functionality may vary, based on the system configuration. Some features may require additional or advanced hardware or server connectivity.;
  • Note:
    System requirements are rounded up to the nearest 0.5 GB, to be conservative. For example, if we measure an application’s required hard disk space to be 1.99 GB, we recommend 2.5 GB of disk space. Our hard disk system requirements are intentionally larger than the actual disk space usage of the software.
    A graphics processor helps increase the performance of certain features, such as drawing tables in Excel 2013 or transitions, animations, and video integration in PowerPoint 2013. Use of a graphics processor with Office 2013 requires a Microsoft DirectX 10-compliant graphics processor that has 64 MB of video memory. These processors were widely available in 2007. Most computers that are available today include a graphics processor that meets or exceeds this standard. However, if you or your users do not have a graphics processor, you can still run Office 2013.
Including Software :
Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2013, Microsoft Power Point 2013, Microsoft Access 2013, Microsoft Publisher 2013, Microsoft Outlook 2013, Microsoft OneNote 2013, Sky Drive Pro 2013 and Microsoft Office 2013 Tools.


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